HomeOnline Islamic Banking CoursesCertified CoursesCertified Islamic microfinance Manager

Certified Islamic microfinance Manager


Graduation Award: Certified Islamic Microfinance Manager Certificate

2 Modules
6 Courses
3 assignment for each course
6 months maximum duration


Islamic microfinance

Islamic microfinance

Islamic Microfinance Course Overview

Islamic Microfinance is an emerging market in the field of Islamic finance, so there is an immediate need to educate, train and conduct Market Study and Awareness campaigns on this subject. The course offers a specialized comprehensive certificate program on Islamic Microfinance on distance learning basis. It is highly structured, interactive and innovative designed program under the supervision of a panel of esteemed Academicians, Shariah Scholars and professionals to ensure high quality material.

The aim of the course is to provide educational facilities and training to the people who cannot leave their homes or jobs with an additional opportunity for their educational uplift under Islamic  financial system. “Certified Islamic Microfinance Manager” program comprises of two modules, each having two months duration. Strong tutorial support is an integral part of the distance education system. The material provided by the tutorial sessions will help the students to update their knowledge according to the latest terms and concepts globally used in Islamic Microfinance

Modules and Study Details of Islamic Microfinance

For the successful completion of this Diploma, a candidate should devote an average of 18 hour a week for study and submit the assignments accordingly. As course completion duration is 4 months, however it may be completed in 8 month.

Duration: 4 Months
Number of Modules: 2
Assignment per Module: 3
Duration of each Module: 8 Weeks
Total Number of Courses: 6


Module I -Islamic Microfinance

(Introduction to Riba, Islamic Economics & Islamic Micro Finance)

: 401: Riba & Islamic Economics

  • What is Riba (Interest)? Prohibition of Riba in Islam.
  • Types of Riba.
    • Riba tul Nissayah
    • also Riba tul Fadle
  • and Riba in Modern Banking and Insurance.

CIMM: 402: Overview of Islamic Economics & Microfinance System

  • Introduction to Islamic Economics System.
  • Comparison of Islamic Economic System with Socialism & Capitalism.
  • What is Microfinance? How its works? Their Characteristics, sustainability, outreach and Problems pertaining to this system.

CIMM: 403: Islamic Microfinance Finance & its Product Mechanism

  • Islamic Micro Finance as effective tool of poverty alleviation. Islamic Micro Financial Products Mechanisms & Compatibility with Conventional Microfinance Products.
  • Trade Based Modes of Islamic Microfinance ( Murabahah, Salam, Istisna etc.)
  • Mechanism of Trade Based Product ( Murabahah, Salam & Instisna ), how they are ideal of Microfinance Sector.

Module II

(Islamic Microfinance Products & Micro Takaful)

CIMM: 404: Islamic Microfinance Products

  • Partnership based of Islamic Microfinance (Mudarabaha & Musharakah)
  • Rental Based Mechanism/Products of Islamic Microfinance (Ijarah & Diminishing Musharakah)
  • Application of Partnership & Rental based modes in Islamic Microfinance.

CIMM: 405: Different Models & Deposit Management in Islamic Microfinance

  • Definitions, Concept & Uses of Waqf, Qarz-e-Hassan, Cooperatives & Zakat in Islamic Microfinance system.
  • Liability (Deposit) Management Techniques for Islamic Microfinance.
  • Product Development of Islamic Microfinance Institutions.

CIMM: 406: Micro Takaful (Islamic Micro Insurance)

  • What is Micro Takaful? How MicroTakaful products works with Islamic Microfinance.
  • Structure, Operation and Performance of Micro Takaful for Poverty Alleviation.
  • Opportunities and Challenges of Islamic Microfinance.

Study Material

This course consists of Two modules and each module has 2 months duration. Each Module builds up knowledge from the previous one. You are evaluated by subjective as well as multiple choice question on each lesson.

As you get registered an introductory material set is sent to you that include:

  • A username and Password to login into Student Section on VLE platform
  • Literature & Presentations in PDF format.
  • Video CD’s & PowerPoint Presentations.
  • Solved and unsolved case studies.
  • Books in PDF format, List of references Book and related websites.
  • E-mails of advisory panel to consult with them.
  • Free subscription of fortnightly online magazine “Islamic Banking and Finance”
  • Bi-Monthly home delivery Magazine named, ”True Banking”

Course Brochure:

View the brochure of this course here 


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